Enchanted Skies


IC 434 - The Horsehead Nebula (imaged from 'Upham', NM)

IC 434 - The Horsehead Nebula Map of region near Horsehead Nebula


Object Information                                            Imaging Details

The Horsehead Nebula is a dark nebula that resides in front of a vast diffuse (emission) nebula in Orion. Dark nebula are made of the same gas and dust that comprise emission and reflection nebula; however, there are no stars near the dark nebula to cause it to emit or reflect light.

The Horsehead Nebula is a tough object to see even in larger scopes unless an appropriate nebular filter (e.g. hydrogen-beta) is used.

This image was acquired at ASLC's Upham dark sky site. Transparency and seeing were good.

Clicking the above image will bring up a higher resolution image.


Celestron NexStar GPS 11"

Canon 300D (type 1 modified)
Misc. Optics:
Giant Easy Guider (f/5)
16 x 4 minutes @ ISO 800
Scope mounted on ATP wedge. Autoguided with piggybacked Orion ED80 (f/30).
Images converted to tifs with Photoshop CS3, then aligned and stacked in Nebulosity. Curves/levels adjustments ith Photoshop CS3.

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Enchanted Skies - Astrophotography by Rich Richins (all images copyright, Rich Richins)